Economic and Social Council

The world’s economic, social and environmental challenges are ECOSOC’s concern. A founding UN Charter body established in 1946, the Council is the place where such issues are discussed and debated, and policy recommendations issued.
As such, ECOSOC has broad responsibility for some 70% of the human and financial resources of the entire UN system, including 14 specialized agencies, 9 “functional” commissions, and five regional commissions.
ECOSOC’s biggest gathering, however, is reserved for the summer, when it holds its annual, month-long substantive session in July. Held in alternate years in New York and Geneva, the session is divided into 5 segments ― High-level; Coordination; Operational Activities; Humanitarian Affairs; and General ― which cover both global issues and technical, administrative questions. With its focus on pressing development challenges (employment, education, health, etc.), the High-level segment regularly attracts policy-makers from the top ranks of government.
1. Millennium Development Goal 8: A Global Partnership for Development, Beyond 2015
2. Need for boosting, and developing mechanisms to monitor, Aid Delivery